ODM2 Units Type Controlled Vocabulary ODM2 Working Group A vocabulary for describing the type of the Unit or the more general quantity that the Unit represents. Electrical permittivity In electromagnetism, absolute permittivity is the measure of the resistance that is encountered when forming an electric field in a medium. In other words, permittivity is a measure of how an electric field affects, and is affected by, a dielectric medium. The permittivity of a medium describes how much electric field (more correctly, flux) is 'generated' per unit charge in that medium. More electric flux exists in a medium with a low permittivity (per unit charge) because of polarization effects. Permittivity is directly related to electric susceptibility, which is a measure of how easily a dielectric polarizes in response to an electric field. Thus, permittivity relates to a material's ability to resist an electric field and "permit" is a misnomer. In SI units, permittivity ? is measured in farads per meter (F/m) Electricity and Magnetism QUDT http://qudt.org/vocab/quantity#Permittivity