cites |
Cites |
Use to indicate a relation to the work that the resource is citing/quoting. |
compiles |
Compiles |
One to many relationship that denotes that the one source resource has been assembled from the target resources through a process of integration and harmonization (as opposed to simple aggregation). |
continues |
Continues |
Use to indicate the resource is a continuation of the work referenced by the related identifier. |
documents |
Documents |
Use to indicate the relation to the work which is documentation. |
hasPart |
Has part |
Use to indicate the resource is a container of another resource. |
isAttachedTo |
Is attached to |
Used to indicate that one entity is attached to another. For example this term can be used to express the fact that a piece of equipment is attached to a related piece of equipment. |
isChildOf |
Is child of |
Used to indicate that one entity is an immediate child of another entity. For example, this term can be used to express the fact that an instrument deployment Action is the child of a site visit Action. |
isCitationFor |
Is citation for |
Used to indicate the relationship between a Citation and the entity for which it is the Citation. |
isCitedBy |
Is cited by |
Use to indicate the relation to a work that cites/quotes this data. |
isCompiledBy |
Is compiled by |
Use to indicate the resource or data is compiled/created by using another resource or dataset. |
isContinuedBy |
Is continued by |
Use to indicate the resource is continued by the work referenced by the related identifier. |
isDerivedFrom |
Is derived from |
Used to indicate the relation to the works from which the resource was derived. |
isDocumentedBy |
Is documented by |
Use to indicate the work is documentation about/explaining the resource referenced by the related identifier. |
isIdenticalTo |
Is identical to |
Used to indicate the relation to a work that is identical to the resource. |
isLocatedAt |
Is located at |
Used to indicate that a source is located at, or in proximity to, the target source |
isNewVersionOf |
Is new version of |
Use to indicate the resource is a new edition of an old resource, where the new edition has been modified or updated. |
isOriginalFormOf |
Is original form of |
Use to indicate the relation to the works which are variant or different forms of the resource. |
isPartOf |
Is part of |
Use to indicate the resource is a portion of another resource. |
isPreviousVersionOf |
Is previous version of |
Use to indicate the resource is a previous edition of a newer resource. |
isReferencedBy |
Is referenced by |
Use to indicate the resource is used as a source of information by another resource. |
isRelatedTo |
Is related to |
Used to indicate that one entity has a complex relationship with another entity that is not a simple, hierarchical parent-child relationship. For example, this term can be used to express the fact that an instrument cleaning Action is related to an instrument deployment action even though it may be performed as part of a separate site visit. |
isRetrievalfor |
Is retrieval for |
Use to indicate the action is a retrieval of a previous deployment. |
isReviewedBy |
Is reviewed by |
Used to indicate that the work is reviewed by another resource. |
isSourceOf |
Is source of |
Used to indicate the relation to the works that were the source of the resource. |
isSupplementedBy |
Is supplemented by |
Use to indicate the relation to the work(s) which are supplements of the resource. |
isSupplementTo |
Is supplement to |
Use to indicate the relation to the work to which the resource is a supplement. |
isVariantFormOf |
Is variant form of |
Use to indicate the resource is a variant or different form of another resource, e.g. calculated or calibrated form or different packaging. |
references |
References |
Use to indicate the relation to the work which is used as a source of information of the resource. |
Reviews |
Reviews |
Used to indicate that the work reviews another resource. |
wasCollectedAt |
Was collected at |
Used to indicate that one entity was collected at the location of another entity. For example, thirs term can be used to express the fact that a specimen SamplingFeature was collected at a site SamplingFeature. |